Postwar Polish Australian, these are people aged 70/80 years disappearing at a rapid pace. These are immigrants who came to Australia in the 40 and 50 of the last century. Most of them are simple people transported at a very young age to work in Germany. Most do not have the education and znajmości English.
Our office takes care of many of the succession of our Poloni. Very often we have difficulty finding or determination of heirs in Poland. In the case of the inability to find the heirs or relatives of the deceased or the deceased, the drop goes to the Australian government. In other cases, again, falls accrue to people who are not entitled to do so or without family zmałego.
Australiskie Law (Law of Supply Family) provides for such situations and allows the family of the deceased for the submission of claims to fall even as the will is made to another person.
As well, in case the deceased did not leave a will, the law of Australia, moreover, as well as Polish admits spdek family of the deceased, depending on the degree of kinship.
It happens a lot of cases where people niezwiązne the deceased receive the drops, either by the use of naivety deceased, his or her knowledge of the language English or old age. In a few cases, even the fact of death of the deceased was being protected family in Poland.
These cases have become widespread, because even indigent pensioner leaves behind at least his house and the value Estate in Australia, particularly in the larger cities are formed in the hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Our firm operating for 25 years, has in-depth experience in sprawch probate as well as sprawch proceedings for recovery falls to the rightful heirs even when they’re in Poland. Such cases take in most cases, without having to pay money to our account.
If you have relatives in Australia, you lost contact with them and suspect that a relative or relative does not live Please contact us. We will try to check and establish the facts free of charge.